Before we get to his party, we were so happy to have my mom, Benji's Mimi, here with us for his birthday! He're a picture of "Mimi" and Maddi!

3 Generations of Beautiful Women!!

Maddi the water baby lovin the pool!

Benji riding his Thomas Pillow he got for his birthday.

Benji in his Thomas bed after his birthday party... Thomas Jammies, Thomas Pillow, Thomas blanket... what a happy boy!

Benji just turned 2 September 4th. We had a fun party which ended at the Orem pool, because Benji loves swimming!
Here is our little family in the pool! As you can see, Benji's ready to swim away! Maddi also really enjoyed swimming!

Here is Benji's party. With his cousins Josh and Zach in the background. As you can tell Benji LOVES fire ;) He's trying to figure out why his Thomas was on fire! I had lots of fun making Benji's Thomas/Elmo cake, but it was really hard to keep Benji from destroying it before the party. He really wanted to play with it!

Here is Benji opening some presents from Mommy, Daddy, and his grandparents later that night (we didn't want the books and cloth presents to get dirty and the park).

He REALLY didn't want to get closer to the candle to blow it Mommy and Daddy helped.

Benji LOVED his new cars. He wouldn't let any of his friends or cousins touch them...we're still working on the concept of sharing :).

Here they are some more pictures of my two precious children! These were when Maddi was first born, in June. Benji LOVES holding Maddi, luckily he quickly got the idea he has to be sitting to do so.

And here is my "cool dude" hangin out his has carseat with his Auntie Valerie!
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