Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Will I ever sleep again?

I was sad for little Benji because he was up the other night...well, now on top of it we both have nasty colds. I always seem to catch everything Benji gets. I really need to get my immune system up and running better! Seriously!

So Saturday night I was up most of the night with poor little Benji. Well because of my all nighter I caught a nasty cold (I think from Benji). And I have slept very little the last two nights. Okay, I'm complaining...but I'm tired!!!!! Last night my nose was dripping so bad (I know TMI) that is woke me up at least every half hour! ARG!

I am also starting to doubt if he was even teething. Janine says his gums were swollen, but I can't tell. But I bow to the expert! So poor little man has sore mouth and a cold. SAD! Anyway, while he is sleeping I am going to post some videos we have taken since we got our new video camera. YEA!

This one was so funny, he found one of my old Rainbow Brite pals and was just going crazy :)

A cute one with Rodney.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Benji spring pictures

So while my sister Valerie was in town we took Benji out front and snapped some "spring pictures" of him. I , of course, forgot about them until today. So here are some of the cutest ones!!

This is probably the only boy outfit I have ever seen in a store that I just had to have because it is SO cute! Luckily it was on sale so I could actually get it :)
Cool Dude

He's even learning to pose himself!

Sorry, I'm too lazy to turn this right side up :)

"PLECH" And that's what I think of Easter.

Christmas 2009 Seattle

I was looking back on all my previous posts and I realized that I never posted our christmas vacation to Seattle. Whoops!! Its hard to believe how small he was looking back at those pictures. So just 5 months late...here is our Christmas...
This Christmas we spend it Seattle with Rodney's parents. They were wonderful to open their home to all of us (15 total!). We had lots of fun in Seattle, we went to Pike Place Market, took a ferry to Whidby Island, learned to make some wonderful Thai dishes (thank you Suzi), and visited the Seattle Temple and did some work for our ancestors! We also got to spend lots of time with our family together! Here are some pictures!
Daddy and Benji getting on the Ferry!
Auraleen (Rodney's sister) and daughter Aubrey on Ferry

Benji in new Bumbo and with a Christmas present

Benji Santa :)

Our Christmas Pagent (Benji was our Jesus, but not in this pic, and Ruby was a sheep)

Benji posing with his presents

Baby Rambo!

So our dear little boy is already 8 months old. Its really hard to believe sometimes how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday I was in the hospital in labor....but maybe that's just the after effects. Anyway, our dear little Benjamin is not content with just crawling around, he is now pulling himself up and trying to walk around.

Since about 6 1/2 months he has shown a great interest in standing. He would crawl over to me and claw at my feet crying "mamamamamamama" until I would reach down and help him up. Then he would spend his next 10-20 minutes trying to chew on anything in reach. The computer...the camera...papers...and especially my cell phone. He was pretty good at balancing himself, but he just couldn't get to a standing position.

About 2 weeks ago, just after my parents left town, he suddenly began to pull himself up. Day 1 he figured out how to pull himself up, we congratulated him and cheered him on. We took lots of pictures, as parents do, and even filmed him with our new video camera (see below). But Day 2 was a surprise, that even all my years of child care couldn't predict. Suddenly my little baby boy turned into Baby Rambo! He was army crawling all over the house, standing up using anything available. Crawling over toys, under toys, using toys and stepping stools, yanking toys off the shelf, and just all and all going CRAZY! I couldn't believe it! What happened to my little boy who used to be content just staring at one toy and chewing on it. All of a sudden his play area has become a disaster area, a hazardous waste dump. Horror of horrors, I actually have to pick up after him!!!!! I just can't believe how quickly he is growing up.

On top of that, he has finally begun teething. According to my mom, my siblings and I were late teethers...about 10 months. So 8 months isn't too bad. Yes, I have heard all the horror stories of teething, but WOW! The first night wasn't too bad, you could tell something was up, he was up for a couple hours Friday night, but overall okay. Saturday he wouldn't really eat, and we found out his gums were swollen, so we knew he was officially "teething". But WOW, Saturday night was crazy. He slept until about 1am (about the time we got to bed) and then was up screaming until almost 5 am. He slept with me on the lovesack, and would fall asleep long enough for me to doze off, then he would wake up screaming. (and keep in mind that this was after tylenol and oragel). Around 5:30 he finally took a bottle and fell asleep in his crib. YEA!!! So I got a good 2 hours of sleep before having to get up for church. I would imagine that is what a hangover might feel like. BLLLLECCCHHHHH! And of course it was my week to teach Gospel Essentials, so I had to be in church ( no matter how bad a felt), and Rodney got to spend Sunday School in the hall with an extremely grumpy baby :). Luckily I have a wonderful husband who sent me to bed with earplugs while he watched Benji this afternoon. Allowing me to get 3 more hours of sleep!

Benji DAY 1

Benjamin Joseph 8 mo.

Benjamin Joseph 8 mo.
Great pose

Madelyn Rose- 3 weeks

Madelyn Rose- 3 weeks

Benjamin Jospeh Beacham

Benjamin Jospeh Beacham
Benji 1 day old!