For Halloween Rodney and Benji were "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Ohh my!" I was going to join them, but never got a Lion costume together. So we just used a stuffed Lion instead :) Benji became very skilled at picking out his candy and dropping it in his pumpkin :)
Here is my sweet little boy Benji!
Here is our new office space!
The most exciting thing for me lately has been watching my little boy grow up!! He is now 15 mo. old and is doing amazing things each day! He now walks like a pro, and climbs like a monkey :) He is also adding lots of new words to his vocabulary every day! His favorite new word is HI, he loves saying it and having everyone say hi back. He also loves to say
"ball" and "teddy", he mimics things occationally, but these are the only things he says regulary (besides mama and dada). Benji is still incredibly attached to his blankets (he has two matching ones, a green and a blue), particulary the tags. As you can see above, he loves smiling for the camera!
"ball" and "teddy", he mimics things occationally, but these are the only things he says regulary (besides mama and dada). Benji is still incredibly attached to his blankets (he has two matching ones, a green and a blue), particulary the tags. As you can see above, he loves smiling for the camera!
Rodney and I are excited, our Christmas present to ourselves was we got a new office. Not wanting to change the structure of our home, we bought some nice cubicle office space and put it in our living room! Now we are finally able to move the office out of our bedroom (which made it very cramped.
Also, for those of you who have not caught the announcements, Rodney and I are expecting Baby Beacham #2 in May of 2011!!! We are very excited to find out the gender in January!